Of the PT Persuasion: Consultations Are Now Available!

Have you ever wished for a resource that helped writers cut back on hours and hours of researching how to accurately portray injuries and medical conditions? Look no further. In this blog series, I’ll be discussing just that. What makes me qualified to do so? Well, I’m a Physical Therapist! Or, rather, I’m a writer…Of the PT Persuasion.


Okay, writers…

Are you sick of spending hours on research trying to figure out what injury a character is most likely to get if they fall off a horse?

How long is it going to take them to recover and what are their limitations in the meantime?

Or maybe your character has an illness or a condition, and you want them to be accurately represented?

Are you intimidated by medical terminology and scientific jargon?

Does your anxiety kick in when you have to research something as complex as the human body and how it works?

Are you nervous someone with knowledge of the medical field is going to read your character’s injury and squirm?

That’s all valid. You don’t need any more stress in your life, and you’ve got better things to do than spend hours and hours on the internet trying to figure out how to portray your character’s specific injury, ailment, or condition.

So, what if you had someone to do all that work for you?

What if I could do that for you?

You read that right, friends.

Using my knowledge and expertise as a practicing Doctor of Physical Therapy, I’ll do all the legwork for you. Whether you already have your character’s condition and just don’t know if their symptoms line up, or if you need help figuring out what injury would best serve your character and plot…I’ve got your back.

And, even better, I’m offering you options because education isn’t one-size-fits all and not everyone is in the same stage of writing. That’s why my Character Injury Consultations are taking the shape of either a simple form to fill out or a sensitivity read. (Video Conferences to come in the future!)

With my quick and easy Consultation Form, you can fill out pertinent information to the incident in question, including what happened in the scene and what your goals are for your character’s injury. I’ll fill out the form with my recommendations and advice, explaining why it’s best for your story.

For the Sensitivity Read, you can send me a snippet (or more!) from your manuscript. I’ll read the passage and give feedback for accuracy, as well as helpful tips and tricks!

My goals are to provide easy-to-digest information and expert guidance that make it as effortless as possible for you to write, as well as to improve the overall quality of medical conditions and injuries written into stories.

Why is a Physical Therapist particularly well-suited for this? I mean, don’t PTs just work with athletes or with people who just had surgeries? While it’s true we do work with athletes and post-operative patients, we also work with a wide range of clients. All fitness levels. All age groups. All disabilities. Everything from cerebral palsy to knee replacements to carpal tunnel syndrome to concussions and sciatica and wound care and so, so much more!

Physical Therapists are movement specialists, so if it affects how someone moves, walks, writes, runs, lifts, reaches, pulls, balances…we’re there.

So, what sort of things are appropriate for a character injury consultation?

Anything. If your character’s movement might be affected, then a Character Injury Consultation is right for you. And don’t let the name confuse you! This isn’t just for injuries, but all medical conditions, ailments, and disabilities!

Are you ready to let me do the work to improve your writing and your characters?

Look into my Character Injury Consultations today!



If you’re seeking medical advice for yourself or someone you know, you should speak to a medical professional. This blog is not intended for diagnosing or treating real-life medical conditions, only fictional ones.

Do you have a topic in mind that you’d love to see featured in the Of the PT Persuasion blog series?

Use the form at the bottom of the Welcome post to submit your ideas! Thank you!


Of the PT Persuasion: Weightlifting


Of the PT Persuasion: Broken Ribs