Sensitivity Reading
Send me an excerpt or a longer sample of your character’s injury, condition, or symptoms for me to discuss with you and make recommendations. Perfect for those who have drafted and/or are revising and want to double-check authenticity.
$0.035 per word
How does it work? Click the Contact button below! Once you’ve contacted me, I’ll request your pages in Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or PDF format. I will review your excerpt and provide positive, constructive, and individualized in-line commentary and recommendations for your character injury or condition. (You can also expect extensive fangirling, as well!)
Are my ideas and my work safe with you? Yes. 100% yes. As a writer, I know how difficult it is to share your work with someone. Not only will your work be in friendly, gentle hands but I will never share your work (or your name) with anyone! I want you to walk away from this feeling like you gained something positive!
What if I know how my character gets injured but not what the injury or its symptoms are? A character injury Consultation Form might be right for you!