Quick Consult

The fastest, simplest package. In email format, send me your quick question or snippet <150 words, and I’ll respond with a short summary of recommendations and resources. This service is perfect for those who just need to check in and verify something.

$10 per email

$5 per extra question OR per extra 50 words


How does it work? Click the Contact button below! Once you’ve contacted me, I’ll send details regarding payment. I will only send my reply to your question(s) once payment is received.

What counts as an ‘extra question?’ Well, here’s what one question can look like: “My character fell off a horse at high speeds and landed on their shoulder. What are the possible shoulder injuries I should look into and what’s the most likely?” An additional question would look like: “How do long is the recovery period for that injury?” or “How is it diagnosed? Do they need an X-ray?” (this last question may be two sentences, but it’s one thought, so I count it as one!). Basically any follow-up emails will be an extra question!

Can I ask a question with a snippet? Yes! You can ask one question with your snippet, free of charge.

What if I need a more detailed response? If your injury or condition isn’t simple, you should look into my Consultation Form or Sensitivity Reading Services.