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Of the PT Persuasion: Broken Ribs
Welcome to my blog series, Of the PT Persuasion. As a writer and a Physical Therapist, I’ll be discussing broken ribs, including the relevant anatomy, the cause of injury, and treatment.
Of the PT Persuasion: Commonly Misused Terms (Part I)
Welcome to my blog series, Of the PT Persuasion. As a writer and a Physical Therapist, I’ll be discussing commonly misused medical terms.
Of the PT Persuasion: Traumatic Brain Injuries
Welcome to my blog series, Of the PT Persuasion. As a writer and a Physical Therapist, I’ll be discussing traumatic brain injuries, including the relevant anatomy, the cause of injury, and treatment.
Of the PT Persuasion: Ankle Sprains
Welcome to my blog series, Of the PT Persuasion. As a writer and a Physical Therapist, I’ll be discussing ankle sprains, including the relevant anatomy, the cause of injury, and treatment.
Of the PT Persuasion: Shoulder Dislocations
Welcome to my blog series, Of the PT Persuasion. As a writer and a Physical Therapist, I’ll be discussing shoulder dislocations in this installment, including the relevant anatomy, the cause of injury, and treatment.
Of the PT Persuasion: Welcome
Welcome to my blog series, where I’ll discuss the medical conditions and injuries we inflict on our characters. The best part? You’ll get all of the inside details from me, a writer of the PT Persuasion.